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Summer salad


1 head of cauliflower

1 head of broccoli

800 g canned chickpeas

4 tablespoons of za’atar herbs

3 tablespoons of olive oil

2 Pink Lady apples

1 head of lettuce

2 avocados

a handful of mint leaves

a handful of coriander

1 jar of za’atar herbs 40g

La William Vegan Mayo Plantaise


Preheat the oven to 200°C.  Drain the chickpeas. Mix them with olive oil and the za’atar herbs, and spread them on a baking sheet. Don’t forget the parchment paper! Roast them in the oven for 30 minutes, then stir them and return them to the oven for another 10 minutes. Remove and allow to cool completely.

Meanwhile, remove the cauliflower leaves and cut the cauliflower into chunks. Put the cauliflower in the food processor or mixer until it’s as fine as rice grains.

Put the cauliflower pulp – without any water – in the microwave for 2-3 minutes at a maximum of 800 Watts. Stir, if necessary, half way through the heating. Steam the broccoli in the steamer until it is al dente and still very crunchy. Cut the apple into thin wedges & do the same with the avocado.

Combine all the ingredients & top with crudely chopped mint and coriander leaves & La William Plantaise!

Small tip: To make the Plantaise a little runnier, you can try diluting the sauce with water or natural yoghurt. Tasty!